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The Next Game Changers for Stock Investors

Where to find them. When to keep riding them for enormous potential profit.

13 such stocks are on the cusp of their big moves. Please read on…

Dear Zacks Member,

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to buy into a little-known innovator company just as it was starting to change the world?

What if you had grabbed shares of Amazon when brick and mortar bookstores were in their heyday?

What if you had snapped up Google when printed encyclopedias were still hanging on?

What if you had the foresight to catch such technological breakthroughs and the knowledge and courage to ride them without taking premature profits?

Well, history can repeat itself. Today, there are a handful of under-the-radar stocks that are about to reshape the way we live and work. I'm not talking about the "shooting stars" that ride short-lived fads and fade away.

These are companies with potential for both explosive growth and sustained impact.

And because the technology sector was hit hard by Donald Trump's surprise victory, right now may be an ideal time to buy these game changers at a significant "discount" to their true market value.

Now Let Me Tell You How We'll Find Them

Zacks Investment Research - Brian Bolan - Photo

My name is Brian Bolan and I had been a securities analyst working for a number of brokerage firms and specializing in Internet stocks. My job was to study income statements and cash flow, while keeping on top of the tech space. Yes, this was a tall order in those days as it is now. Things seem to change at the speed of light!

I won awards for accurately predicting earnings on both Google and Amazon, and also bought some shares of those soon-to-be-legends for myself and made a good bit of money on them

But I should have held them longer.

Regretfully, at the time, I wasn't using the system that helps you decide when to sell…or when to ride onward and upward while others settle for lesser gains.

Then the Zacks Advantage Came Into Play

In 2010, I accepted a position that enabled me to couple my experience with Internet and tech stocks with the short-term predictive power of the Zacks Rank.

Zacks Rank has earned +26% per year

In directing some of Zacks' trading and investing services, I took full advantage of the 1 to 3-month method which, since 1988, has generated an astonishing average gain of +26% per year. These Strong Buy returns have been examined and attested by an independent accounting firm, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP.*

It's hard to imagine a better head start for your investments than that!

At the same time, even when pursuing sizable long-term gains, who wouldn't want their stocks to have upwardly swinging earnings estimates? Who wouldn't want to improve their chances of starting in the green?

Game Changer Companies + Favorable Earnings Estimates = Powerful Results

For example, here are a couple of big winners we recently closed1.

ATHL - Zacks Performance Chart

DreamWorks. This media powerhouse holds a 51% stake in ATV (Awesomeness TV) and is itself a potential takeover target. We rode the buzz on DreamWorks for a quick gain of +46.8% in 10 days.

ATHL - Zacks Performance Chart

SM Energy. Beyond their exposure to the Midland and Permian Basin areas of Texas, this oil company is well diversified in other areas and gave us a solid play at the right price point. We held it for a substantial gain of +59.9% in 6 weeks.

ATHL - Zacks Performance Chart

Mimecast. This young tech company focuses on email security. With all the news reports about hacking, I wanted some exposure to this space. Mimecast had strong earnings history and estimates were moving higher. We pulled the trigger on August 25th and watched it climb +20.1% in just 5 weeks.

Enter The Zacks Game Changers Portfolio

Right now you are invited to learn about a select handful of companies that are on the profit edge of breakthroughs.

This portfolio is called Zacks Game Changers.

Normally, access will cost $995 per year. Yet starting today, for a period of one full month, you are invited to see our latest trades for the sum total of only $1. You'll be in the first wave of investors to see these new recommendations and could take part in the next transformational stock story.

Even better, the same $1 admits you to our Zacks Ultimate program which reveals ALL the buys and sells from ALL Zacks portfolios for a full 30 days without any obligation whatsoever.

The Ultimate $1 Opportunity

  • All Zacks Buys and Sells (including the new Game Changers).
  • One Month.
  • One Dollar.
  • Not One Cent of Further Obligation.

Why do we offer you an arrangement like that? The simple fact is that Zacks Ultimate serves as a showroom where you can check out any or all of our high-performance portfolios. Then as many investors do, you may join the ones that suit you best. Or join none of them. The choice is up to you.

▸ More information about Zacks Ultimate.

Let me make a suggestion: Go ahead and explore Game Changers plus our other Zacks trading or investment portfolios packed inside Zacks Ultimate. Below you will see a list of all the services available to you for the next 30 days.

You might sample our earnings surprise stocks, momentum picks, and insider trades. Also see what chief Steve Reitmeister will add to his personal portfolio just before he invests his own money.

No matter what kind of investor you are, there are timely buy and sell recommendations to help you make more money in the market.

Sound like too much information? Well, it really isn't. During the next 30 days you can focus on Game Changers and just browse the other portfolios, test-driving whatever captures your interest.

And then, after your $1 for 1 month trial, you have three simple choices:

  • 1. Walk out of the showroom anytime you please and not pay one cent more.
  • 2. Continue your see-it-all Zacks Ultimate subscription for only $299 a month.
  • 3. Just join Game Changers or one of the other individual portfolios.

Once again, the choice is entirely up to you.

Backed by 2 Airtight Guarantees

Satisfaction Guarantee Shield

Don't worry, you are covered by a Satisfaction Guarantee. You may cancel up to 90 days after your trial is over. And if you feel we have not exceeded your expectations, then we will refund every last cent - including the $1 you paid for the trial. No problem.

But that isn't the half of it.

Perfomance Guarantee Shield

You're also backed by a full-year, money-back Performance Guarantee. Details. That means if we don't help you beat the market, we don't deserve your money and will refund it.

No one else offers a combination of money-back assurances like these. That's because no one else has a proven system like the Zacks Rank that beats the market so consistently, year after year.

Bonus Gift: 7 Best Stocks for January - Free until Thursday, December 22

As a bonus, we'd like to give you our new special report, 7 Best Stocks for January. After thorough analysis, each stock in this report was selected because of its superior short-term profit potential under current market conditions. Zacks' team of experts believes these 7 companies have the greatest chance to outperform the market over the next month.

How much would have an early tip to buy Amazon or Netflix been worth to you? A lot more than $1. And that's exactly what Zacks is offering you today; the chance to get early tips on innovative stocks on the cusp of breaking out.

You can order online or call toll-free at 1.888.775.8348, M-F, 10 am to 6 pm. ET. Outside the U.S., phone 1.312.265.9309.

I look forward to bringing you a small, investable selection of our best breakthrough stocks - the ones on the cutting edge of industries that are booming, or about to boom.

These are the kind of companies that can make industries obsolete or put competitors out of business.

We're extremely excited about their tremendous upsides. I know you will be, too.

Thank you, and good investing,

Brian Bolan
Zacks Growth and Technology Strategist

P.S. Free Until Midnight Thursday December 22.
Hurry - 7 Best Stocks for the January was just released. After detailed analysis, our team of experts has revealed 7 stocks with potential to significantly outperform the market over the next month. These stocks are taken from the proven list of 220 Zacks Rank #1 Strong Buys and poised for immediate breakout.
See Zacks' 7 Best Stocks for January now »

Game Changers is Open to New Investors. See Stocks Now » Special Opportunity Ends Midnight Thursday, December 22. See Stocks Now »